Program monday, November 4
The conversation starts at breakfast. Have one or several cups of coffee and get a great start to the rest of the day.
One year later: Learnings from the journey of building fast and cheap websites
Speaker: Bjørn Høj (DK)
Innovation Lead at Ikano Bank
Last year, Bjørn presented a new way of building websites optimised for low run cost and low page loadtime.
The operational model was a DevOps setup as a grass-root movement, that essentially has sparked a bigger digital transformation.
Today the application is live in Finland and Poland, and as several smaller touchpoints live internally and facing customers at IKEA in UK.
In this session, Bjørn will provide a greater insight into FAAS and cloud native applications and how to follow best practice within cloud development, which results in a efficient technical value stream.
Most important of all, Bjørn will include the biggest failures during the fantastic journey!
Track: CMS Expert
How to get Robotic Process Automation right in 2020
Speaker: Guilla Ridgewell (DK)
Head of Robotics Intelligent Process Automation at GRUNDFOS
RPA has high promise about removing tedious tasks, freeing up hours for employees to focus on higher-value work. Gartner estimates RPA market will top $1 billion by 2020, with 40 percent of large enterprises adopting an RPA software tool by then.
However, according to recent Deloitte UK study, only three per cent of organizations have managed to scale RPA to a level of 50 or more robots. Guilla shares how they in Grundfos have made it past the 50 by focusing on proper design, planning, good coding standard, and reducing technical debt and governance.
Track: Automation & Robotics
Headless Content Management in the Enterprise
Speaker: Jani Tarvainen (FI)
Senior Professional Services Consultant at eZ Systems
The headless content management buzz has been around for years now. It is already the preferred method for some boutique implementations, but how does it work in an enterprise environment?
In this session we will discuss the challenges and opportunities of headless CMS implementations for enterprise projects.
Track: CMS Experts
Intelligent Automation: The Real Story
Speaker: Kashyap Kompella (IN)
CEO at rpa2ai
This session enables you to effectively lead your organization’s automation initiatives.
The first part of this “double bill” provides an overview of RPA technology, common use cases, and current state of the market.
The second part is all about making your RPA projects more successful and covers best practices for opportunity identification, technology and governance.
Our goal is to enable you to lead your organization’s RPA initiatives.
What will we discuss in this session?
Intro: different flavors of automation
Where does RPA fit in the enterprise automation stack
Robotic Process Automation Essentials and Use Cases
What are the main use cases that RPA is enabling?
By Department / Industry
Case Studies
RPA Market: Overview, Trends and Vendors
RPA Market Ecosystem
Trends for 2020
Key Vendors in the space
RPA: Myths and Mistakes
What can RPA do and what it cannot do?
What has been the experience of your peers?
Best Practices & Do’s and Don’ts?
Scaling and Governing RPA
RPA Center of Excellence
Identifying automation opportunities
Governance Models
Change Management
Technology Considerations
What does all this mean for me and my organization?
Recommendations on next steps
Wrap Up & Q&A
Track: Automation & Robotics
Goals and expectations: Setting the stage for a successful project
Speaker: Arild Henrichsen (NO)
Marketing Manager & Episerver MVP at Epinova
For any venture in our lives, one universal truth seems to stand out:
“If you don’t know where you’re going, you’re going nowhere.”
After more than a decade of field experience in complex digital projects, in roles spanning from developer to business consultant, Arild has seen the many ways a project can skyrocket to success, or fail to make its mark. To be blunt, some organisations are currently keeping themselves from achieving digital success by unconsciously sabotaging their own efforts.
Spoiler alert: It’s usually a people problem, not a tech problem.
In this talk, Arild will share how aligning with business goals and managing expectations is key to a successful project – for all parties involved, from client to integrator to vendor.
Implementing RPA in Operation and Finance functions
Speaker: Nina Møller (DK)
Backoffice Subject Matter Expert at Santander Consumer Bank
In this session you will hear the story of how a Nordic organization have managed to implement RPA in their Operation and Finance functions, with a decentralized organization, but sharing the same tool, experience and close co-operation.
Nina will share their ups and downs at Santander Consumer Bank, and we will get examples of use cases and there will be room for sharing and discussions on the way.
Track: Automation & Robotics
A content journey approach in defining customer experience
Speaker: Melissa Breker (CAN)
Co-leading organizations through pivotal transitions
Building a RPA Center of Excellence
Speaker: Christian Lolk Thomsen (DK)
RPA CoE Specialist at LEO Pharma
In the beginning of 2019, LEO Pharma embarked on the Robotics Process Automation journey, where an RPA platform and a Center of Excellence formed the foundation.
Christian will share their experiences, reflections and learnings on:
Building a RPA Center of Excellence
Building local capabilities in Line of Business
Robotics in a regulated industry
Next steps and key focus in 2020.
Track: Automation & Robotics

Gatsby meetup
Lets make website performance great again. Kyle Matthews, co-founder of Gatsby will be kicking off this Gatsby meetup in Aarhus, Denmark and you can be a part of it too!